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Corporate Social Responsibility

Table of Contents:

  1. Respect for Human Rights
  2. Employees and Community
  3. Ethics and Transparency
  4. Environment
  5. Clients and Suppliers
  6. Innovation and Digital Responsibility
  7. Compliance with Regulations

At Deiser, we are committed to being a responsible organization aware of our impact on society and the environment.

As an Information Technology company, we recognize our responsibility to contribute to sustainable development and promote social well-being in all our activities. This document sets forth our principles and commitments in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).

1. Respect for Human Rights

At Deiser, we commit to Human Rights and understand them as inherent to all individuals, without distinction of race, sex, nationality, ethnic origin, religion, sexual orientation, or any other condition.

As a company, we have the responsibility to promote, protect, and ensure respect for these rights in all spheres of life. Therefore, we are committed to:

  • Civil and political rights: the right to life, freedom, equality, non-discrimination, freedom of expression, freedom of religion, the right to a fair trial, and the right to participate in the political process, among others.
  • Economic, social, and cultural rights: the right to work, to an adequate standard of living, to health, housing, education, and culture, among others.
  • Women's rights: equality of gender, protection against gender-based violence, the right to reproductive autonomy, and full and effective participation in all areas of political, economic, social, and cultural life.
  • Children's rights: protection against exploitation, abuse, and discrimination, the right to education, a suitable family environment, and participation in decisions affecting them.
  • Rights of migrants and refugees: protection of the human rights of individuals who move from their countries of origin in search of better living conditions or to escape persecution or conflict.
  • LGBTQ+ rights: equal treatment, non-discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity, the right to freedom of expression, and to live without violence or persecution due to sexual orientation or gender identity.

2. Employees and Community

For Deiser, people are our most valuable asset. That's why we ensure they do what they love, in the best environment, and with the best possible conditions.

We create an environment and culture where people feel happy and motivated to excel, where they feel supported and empowered to do their best work.

  • Respect for freedom of association and collective bargaining: Deiser guarantees and respects employees' rights to join unions and participate in collective negotiations to establish fair and equitable labor agreements.
  • Non-discrimination and equal opportunities: Deiser promotes an inclusive culture where any form of discrimination in employment is prohibited, including discrimination based on gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, among others.
  • Fair wages and benefits: the company is committed to providing employees with competitive salaries and benefits, ensuring fair and transparent compensation, and promoting equal pay for work of equal value.
  • Health and safety at work: the company strives to maintain a safe and healthy working environment for all employees, complying with safety regulations and providing appropriate training and equipment.
  • Training and professional development: Deiser invests in employee development through continuous training programs, fostering personal and professional growth for each individual.
  • Work-life balance and flexibility: we offer flexible work practices that allow employees to balance their work responsibilities with personal and family commitments.
  • Participation and dialogue: we encourage employee participation through mechanisms of dialogue and feedback, ensuring their opinions are heard and considered.
  • Diversity and inclusion: at Deiser, we foster an inclusive culture that values the diversity of our employees and promotes equal opportunities regardless of gender, race, sexual orientation, or any other personal characteristic.
  • Recognition: we have recognition programs in place to acknowledge individuals' achievements and efforts.
  • Support for social causes: Deiser is a member of the global Pledge 1% movement, donating part of our time, product, profits, and/or capital to charitable organizations. Additionally, the company is a member and promoter of the Teaming platform, which raises funds for social causes through member donations.

3. Ethics and Transparency

We act according to the highest ethical and legal standards, promoting integrity, transparency, and honesty in all our operations.

We have a clear code of ethics and conduct that sets out the ethical principles and standards that all employees must follow. The code is accessible to everyone through the company's intranet and website.

We establish clear policies against corruption, bribery, and any form of unethical behavior.

We have a confidential and secure reporting channel for employees, customers, suppliers, or anyone not directly related to Deiser to report potential ethical violations or misconduct without fear of reprisal. This channel is accessible to everyone through the company's intranet and website.

We maintain a strong and effective leadership structure that ensures responsible decision-making and proper accountability.

Deiser's leadership must lead by example and demonstrate visible commitment to integrity, transparency, and honesty. Leaders promote an ethical culture in all decisions and actions they take.

Our communication is open and transparent at all levels of the organization. We share relevant information about the business, objectives, policies, and practices in a timely and accessible manner for all employees.

4. Environment

We minimize our environmental impact through sustainable management practices, promoting energy efficiency, reducing carbon emissions, and proper management of electronic waste.

Energy Efficiency

  • We use energy-efficient equipment and devices, such as computers, servers, and cooling equipment.
  • We configure equipment to enter low-power mode when not in use.
  • We optimize IT infrastructure, such as data centers, to improve energy efficiency and reduce electricity consumption.

Electronic Waste Management

  • We establish programs for recycling discarded electronic equipment, ensuring compliance with local environmental regulations and using certified recycling services.
  • We promote internal reuse of electronic devices when possible and donate functional equipment to charitable organizations or schools.

Virtualization and Cloud Computing

  • We implement server and storage virtualization to consolidate computing resources, reducing the need for physical hardware and associated energy consumption.
  • We use cloud computing services to optimize resource usage and reduce the number of physical servers required.
  • We promote environmental awareness among our employees, encouraging responsible consumption practices and adoption of measures to conserve natural resources.
  • Among these measures, we encourage the use of digital documents instead of paper prints.
  • In the workplace, we have established recycling programs to ensure waste is managed properly.
  • We promote remote work and collaboration through online communication tools to reduce travel and associated greenhouse gas emissions from transportation.

5. Clients and Suppliers

Deiser's mission is to help companies work better from a technological standpoint, with a motivating vision: focusing on people inside Deiser and outside, on our clients and suppliers.

We have developed a solid and trustworthy set of values to deliver the desired quality or sufficient value to our clients, doing everything possible so that everyone enjoys our work.

We add value in each and every hour of work from our teams, who are focused on helping and bringing value to our clients.

We offer consulting services and create technological solutions based on building strong relationships through effective communication, professionalism, and adaptability of our professionals.

Our goal is to generate value and results more efficiently.

We establish transparent relationships with our suppliers, promoting collaboration and fairness. Deiser ensures that its suppliers receive appropriate and timely payment for their products and services.

We maintain open and constant communication with them to promote collaboration and jointly resolve any issues.

6. Innovation and Digital Responsibility

We drive responsible technological innovation, considering the ethical and social impacts of our solutions and products, and promoting security and data protection.

Data Protection and Privacy

  • We ensure that the company's systems and services comply with data security and privacy standards.
  • We implement policies and procedures to protect customers' confidential information and ensure compliance with data protection regulations.


  • We educate employees on best practices in cybersecurity, data protection, and digital ethics. We foster an internal culture of digital responsibility and promote awareness of responsible technology use at all levels of the organization.
  • We promote responsible use of technology by educating our employees, clients, and communities about the risks and opportunities associated with digital transformation.
  • We conduct technology impact assessments to understand and mitigate potential negative effects of digital solutions and services on society and the environment. We consider aspects such as carbon footprint, planned obsolescence, and risks associated with the use of emerging technologies.


  • We are transparent about Deiser's policies and practices regarding digital responsibility. We publish transparency reports or statements describing how privacy, security, and ethics issues are addressed in the development and use of technologies.

Responsible Supply Chain Management

  • We assess and select suppliers and partners who share the same values of digital responsibility. We ensure that suppliers adhere to ethical and sustainability standards in their operations and products.

Continuous Improvement

  • We establish monitoring and evaluation mechanisms to measure the impact of implemented actions and continuously improve digital responsibility practices.
  • We use relevant metrics and KPIs to assess performance and measure progress towards established goals.

7. Compliance with Regulations

At Deiser, we are committed to following and complying with internationally recognized standards and frameworks in CSR, such as the United Nations Global Compact Principles.

We have an Ethical Code and conduct where issues related to labor rights, ethical business practices, environmental protection, and other relevant aspects are addressed. This Code is public and accessible to everyone.

Additionally, we maintain open and constant communication with employees, clients, suppliers, investors, and local communities to inform them about CSR progress and gather feedback.

We ensure that our CSR is integrated into Deiser's strategy and culture, and that it is reflected in all our operations and decisions.

We commit to continuous improvement, adapting and adjusting company policies and practices according to changes in regulations and best business practices.